Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day celebration 2021

Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day celebration 2021

Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day celebration 2021: The Valentine’s event in Pokémon GO is highlighted by the appearance for the first time of two characters in the game: Munna and Musharna.

Niantic has prepared a large number of events, research and legendary characters for this month of February in Pokémon GO to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon saga and one of the most prominent and close events in time is Valentine, of which we are going to tell you each and every one of its details below.

The Valentine’s event in Pokémon GO will take place from Valentine’s Day itself, February 14, at 1:00 p.m. until Thursday, February 18, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. (local time).

Two New characters in the game: Munna and Musharna
The Valentine’s event in Pokémon GO is highlighted by the appearance for the first time of two characters in the game: Munna and Musharna

This is everything that Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day celebration 2021

  1. Two new Pokémon are coming to Pokémon GO for the first time: Munna and Musharna. Munna will appear wild, therefore, we will have to capture it and then use an Unova Stone to evolve it into Musharna.
  2. The following Pokémon will appear wild more frequently: Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Luvdisc, Munna, and many more. If we are lucky we will also find Feebas.
  3. If we manage to evolve a Kirlia during this event, we will be able to get a Gardevoir or a Gallade that knows the Synchronous movement.
  4. The following Pokémon will appear after the 5K Eggs hatch: Eevee, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Luvdisc, Munna, Woobat, and Cottonee.
  5. The following Pokémon will appear in raids:
    • One Star Raids: Ralts, Volbeat, Illumise, Feebas, Munna, and Espurr.
    • Three-star raids: Togetic, Espeon, Umbreon, Gardevoir, Gallade, and Alomomola.
    • Five-star raids: Latias and Latios.
    • Mega Raids : Mega-Pidgeot, Mega-Gyarados, and Mega-Ampharos.
  6. If we complete the exclusive field research of the event we can find Pokémon such as Ralts, Volbeat, Illumise, Spinda with a heart pattern, and Alomomola, in addition to other rewards.
  7. If we complete the Valentine-themed collection challenge during the event by catching Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Espeon, Umbreon, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Luvdisc, Latias, Latios, and Alomomola, it will grant us five Silver Pinia Berries, an Egg Luck and an Incubator as a reward.
  8. During the event, we will be able to choose a one-time free bundle valid in the Store with three Remote Raid Passes.
  9. Exclusive event stickers will be available on gifts.
  10. New Munna-inspired avatar items will be available in the Shop during and after this event.