What is Hibernation? | Do Bunnies Hibernate?

Would you like to know if bunnies hibernate? Generally speaking, bunnies do not hibernate. However, rabbits can go into a state of torpor, which is characterized by a significant reduction in metabolic rate, body temperature, and activity level, although they are not true hibernators. 


There are times when animals hibernate to conserve energy and survive food shortages or extreme cold. Rabbits do not typically hibernate, whereas other animals, such as bears and rodents, do.

What is Hibernation?

Hibernation occurs when animals enter a state of dormancy during the winter months to conserve energy and ensure their survival in times of scarcity. 

A hibernating animal’s body temperature, heart rate, and metabolism decline significantly, as well as its level of activity. The duration of hibernation may vary from several weeks to several months, depending on the species.

Several animals, including bears and groundhogs, have been known to hibernate throughout their lives, whereas others, such as bats and chipmunks, may only enter torpor, a state closely related to hibernation but not as deep as hibernation.

Do Bunnies Hibernate?

Bunnies do not hibernate as a rule. The ability to enter a state of hibernation during the winter months to conserve energy and survive when food is scarce is not present in bunnies. Animals such as bears and groundhogs enter a state of hibernation to conserve energy and survive during the winter months.

Do Rabbits Hibernate In The Winter?

The rabbit, or bunny, does not generally hibernate during the winter months. 

As rabbits are active throughout the year, they require a constant supply of food and water to survive. 

They are primarily dependent on grasses and other vegetation for their food, and they can locate these resources even in the winter by digging through the snow to reach plants still growing beneath the surface.

Rabbits may become less active during the winter because of the colder temperatures and shorter days, but they do not enter a state of dormancy in the manner of some other animals. 

Their survival depends on foraging for food and remaining active. In the winter, domestic rabbits that are kept as pets may be less active because they have been protected from the elements, but they do not hibernate.

5 Ways That Winter Effects Bunnies:

Temperatures below freezing: Bunnies are sensitive to cold temperatures and may become less active during the colder months to conserve energy and stay warm. 

As they attempt to keep warm and protected from the elements, they may spend more time in their burrows or nests.

1. Food shortages:

Winter can be a challenging time for bunnies to find food, as grasses and other vegetation may be in short supply. 

Foraging under the snow is a difficult and energy-intensive process for bunnies in the wild, as they have to dig through the snow to access plants that are still emerging beneath the surface. 

To maintain their weight and energy level, domestic bunnies may require a higher-calorie diet during the winter months.

2. Increased risk of illness: 

The colder temperatures and wetter conditions during the winter may make bunnies more susceptible to illness.

3. Difficulty getting exercise:

During the winter, bunnies may find it more difficult to exercise due to the shorter days and colder temperatures. 

Provide plenty of opportunities for them to play and move around, such as by setting up a bunny-proofed area inside or providing them with toys. If they are not permitted to do so, there may be health issues.

4. Changes in behavior: 

There may be changes in the behavior of bunnies during the winter season, such as territorialism or aggression.

Disadvantages of Hibernation for Bunnies:

As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended to intentionally encourage or allow your domestic rabbit to enter a state of torpor or hibernation, as it can be harmful to their health. Some of the disadvantages of hibernation for bunnies include:

1. Health risks: 

Hibernation can pose a risk to rabbits due to the significant decrease in metabolism, body temperature, and activity levels. It can cause a variety of health problems, such as obesity, dental problems, and muscle atrophy.

2. Nutrient deficiencies: 

Hibernation may also cause rabbits to become deficient in nutrients, as they cannot eat or drink while in a state of torpor. Consequently, malnutrition may occur as well as other health problems.

3. Risk of injury:

The rabbits are more susceptible to injury during hibernation due to their reduced mobility and inability to defend themselves.

4. Risk of death: 

Lastly, rabbits should be aware that hibernation can be dangerous, as it can lead to death if it is not properly managed. Domestic rabbits are especially susceptible to this phenomenon, as they lack the same instincts and adaptations as wild rabbits.


Can I keep my bunny in a state of torpor or hibernation?

Your domestic rabbit will not benefit from intentionally entering a state of torpor or hibernation. An extended period of reduced activity or inactivity for domestic rabbits can lead to several health problems.


The majority of bunnies do not hibernate. Although rabbits do not hibernate, they are capable of going into torpor, which is a similar physiological state characterized by a decrease in metabolism, body temperature, and level of activity.

The animals remain active and feed throughout the winter, relying on their fur for warmth and their food sources for nutrition. Even though rabbits do not hibernate,